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"The Nothing Man" by Catherine Ryan Howard

Genre: Crime/Thriller

Dates read: 1/22/2021-1/28/2021

Medium: Audio book via Libby App - FOR FREE with my library card

How I found it: I must have seen this title on someone's favorite's list of 2020

This is the kind of book my mom calls a "who done it." Except... you know who did it. The catch is you don't know how he did it.

I thoroughly enjoyed both narrators. They had Irish accents. It added to the richness of the story, which takes place in Ireland. I undoubtedly would have pronounced many things wrong.

I love books about place. The crimes in this book happen in a Cork County Ireland. It made me want to get out a map. I wanted to see the place Catherine Ryan Howard described with my own eyes. Naturally, I don't have a map of Ireland lying around. I googled it. Castles, coastline, and green. When this pandemic is over I am going to Ireland.

Pre-Covid one of my favorite past times was attending book readings. Several authors mentioned how important it is for authors to have many social media followers. It's not enough to just be a gifted author, you have to be gifted in algorithms. I searched Catherine Ryan Howard on INSTAgram, and I followed her page. First, I love her book. Second, she seems like a kick-ass human being. Third, I want to support authors.

I would recommend this book to readers who like a suspenseful page-turner. I stayed up past my bed time many nights, because I couldn't stop listening. If you have a delicate sensibility this book may not be for you. I am definitely looking forward to listening to her other books.


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